Dialog Box

In memory of Margaret Wilson

30 October 1944 - 27 March 2024
Raised in memory
Thanks to 54 supporters

Thank you for your compassionate donation, which supports ovarian cancer research across Australia. As a family we could not have been more grateful for the researchers
who are working on projects across treatments, managing recurrence, early detection and prevention & cure which gave us additional precious time with Mum.

These scientists need your help to ensure their research can achieve a breakthrough that will reduce the lethal threat of ovarian cancer.The next generation of women and girls deserve a greater survival rate. Research is the answer.
Your generosity has touched our hearts deeply and on behalf of all those affected by ovarian cancer, and the researchers tirelessly working to conquer it, we extend our deepest gratitude.
With Love,
Reg, Brett, Fiona, Matthew & families x

Thanks to 54 supporters
