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JT is putting the fun in fundraising

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raised so far


of $15,000 goal

Hello everyone,

After having been diagnosed with ovarian cancer in December 2019, I wanted to do my bit to help raise funds for the Ovarian Cancer Research Foundation.

Funding for ovarian cancer research is critical, and the research that we can fund is what will help get me back to my prosecco loving self.

While this disease has thrown me a bit of a curve ball, I am going to be making the most out of a (fairly) bad situation. I will be doing what I can to raise money for the OCRF, and for women going through the same thing I am.

Donate what you want, when you want. You better believe I'll be hassling people for donations to OCRF for the rest of my life.

My Updates

02 Sep 2020

Hi everyone!

It is coming up to six months since finishing treatment and I'm feeling great! The first lockdown came at a good time as it gave me a little while to recover from what was a very full on start to 2020.

Last week I got to help the OCRF with their State of the Nation in Ovarian Cancer Research launch, and was featured in a story in the Herald Sun!

As always, thanks for the support. Can't wait to catch up for a drink when pubs open.

Love Jordan

12 Mar 2020

WEEK ELEVEN UPDATE: We are almost done, with just one week to go 💪🏼 I’ve been so grateful for the support I’ve received from the whole community during this ordeal, including that from Heidelberg Golf Club who pledged all their donations from the Get Wines Direct Pro-Am last Friday to the @OCRF on my behalf. The Club’s generosity takes my total funds raised to over $23,000 which is incredible! I’m a lucky girl to have so many fabulous people around me.

23 Jan 2020

WEEK FOUR UPDATE - serving chemotherapy realness with two of my fave nurses, Rhonda and Steph. It’s really not too scary when you’ve got great people looking after you. Obviously, the biggest change since my last update is that I’ve bitten the bullet and cut my hair off. It is a bit different for me but I don’t hate it! I’ve also donated what was left to the Children’s charity Variety and their Hair with Heart program. As always thanks for the ongoing support.

Love, Jordan

14 Jan 2020

Hello team,

The first round of chemo is finished! I am in good spirits and feeling much better than I did this time last week.

I went to work today for my first day post surgery/treatment which was great - so good to get back to some of my normal life.

As always, thanks for the support. Will keep you all up to date.

- JT xx

30 Dec 2019

Hello everyone,

Here we go! Day one of treatment is underway, which means one day closer to it being over.

Thanks to everyone for their support so far, I’ll keep you all updated through this page.

Love, Jordan

30 Dec 2019

Hello everyone,

Here we go! Day one of treatment is underway, which means one day closer to it being over.

Thanks to everyone for their support so far, I’ll keep you all updated through this page.

Love, Jordan
