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Ovarian Cancer Research

Over the past 10 years, the global medical and research community has begun pushing for a better understanding of ovarian cancer.

We now have a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of the disease – with more than 20 different subtypes identified.  Ovarian cancer is now researched as a spectrum of diseases with different molecular and clinical characteristics. Researchers are exploring the potential of multipronged screening strategies, including:

  • Genetics
  • Biomarkers
  • Ultrasound
  • Cancer DNA surveillance

Researchers are also investigating how screening, prevention or treatments might be targeted to the specific cancer type.

Treatment advances over the past two decades have led to significantly better outcomes for patients suffering from many other cancer types. Funding and community attention have been two of the most significant drivers. Unfortunately, ovarian cancer has seen slower progress due to a lack of funding.

This diagram of ovarian cancer research required to progress prevention, cure, survivability rates and treatment provides a clear program of research requirements.

Source: Ovarian Cancers: Evolving Paradigms in Research and Care. Identifying priorities for Researchers. (http://resources.nationalacademies.org/Infographics/OvarianCancers/Research-Guide.html)
